Virtual Social Night – UK Boat Diving for Dummies

Join us as Tina Burton talks about Boat Diving in the UK. All about her experiences with ribs, small boats, big boats, boats with ladders and boats with lifts. We are hoping to organise some introductory boat dives in UK for the Dive Club as the COVID-19 restrictions are eased. Tina's latest talk will give […]

Social Night – Dorset Coast : A Maritime Graveyard

Virtual The Comfort of Your Own Home

A map of the Dorset coastline reveals a huge number of shipwrecks. Swanage Pier Trust's Nick Reed will explore the history and story of some of the wrecks in the local area. Nick is kindly repeating an excellent talk which he gave for the Swanage Pier Trust in July 2020 on some of the many […]

Social Night

The Norbiton 16 Clifton Road, Kingston

Virtual Social Night – Dive South Africa

Virtual The Comfort of Your Own Home

Wanting to take your mind off COVID and think about your next international dive location. Aliwal Shoal, in South Africa, is renowned for it’s diverse marine life. And it’s easy to see why. On a single trip you could dive with up to 7 species of ray, 9 species of shark, eels, turtles, dolphins, whales, […]

Virtual Social Night – Studland’s D-Day

Virtual The Comfort of Your Own Home

Swanage-based diver and amateur maritime archaeologist Nick Reed returns to explain and explore different aspects of the varied facets of Dorset’s Purbeck region’s fascinating maritime history. This second talk for us from Nick is 'Studland's D-Day'. In 1944 Studland Bay was the scene of Exercise Smash, the largest live-fire exercise prior to D-Day as Allied […]

The History of PADI – Virtual Social Night

Virtual The Comfort of Your Own Home

Did you know it all started in 1966 with a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label and $30 US? After a few rounds of scotch and numberous discussions , the acronym PADI was born. Find out more about the history and secrets of the organisation that is the 'way the world learns to dive'. Join […]

Saving Our Underwater Heritage

Virtual The Comfort of Your Own Home

As we sadly still cannot meet in person, join us on Zoom for our first Aquanaut and Amphibian Club Social evening of 2021. We will be hosting Mark Beattie-Edwards, the Chief Executive Officer of the Nautical Archaeology Society. Mark’s talk, titled “Saving Our Underwater Heritage” is going to be about the protected wreck of the […]

Virtual Social Night – SS Thistlegorm – The Wreck that Keeps Giving

Virtual The Comfort of Your Own Home

SS Thistlegorm is widely regarded as one of the “top ten” wreck dives in the world. It’s accessibility to recreational scuba divers (the keel lies at 30m) making it a standard inclusion in Red Sea “Northern Wrecks and Reefs” itineraries. Or for those who like early starts(!) it can be dived on a (long) day [...]

Virtual Social Night – Diving in SW Scotland Lochs

Virtual The Comfort of Your Own Home

Do you know that there are 1000’s of dive sites in Scotland? With holidays in UK looking much more likely this year than flying to exotic locations around the world, lots of UK-based divers are starting to explore the wonders of diving the UK's coastal waters. The variety of dive sites means that you can [...]

Social Night

The Norbiton 16 Clifton Road, Kingston