• Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

Head out with James to Sharm El Sheikh for some fun diving and training at his dive centre Anthias Divers.

We have the option of running PADI Open Water dives, PADI Advanced Open Water and a range of speciality courses which you book through Aquanaut….. or you could just come along and dive for fun!

Starting from

Availability: Contact us for booking information

We have arranged a combined diving / hotel package at the Sharm Reef Hotel where Anthias is based – 7 nights and 5 days diving for £575. Also flights, purchased separately, are reasonable too as the the schools will still be in term time.

Sharm offers some of the best diving in the world, with a reef on your doorstep, amazing sites at Ras Mohammad a short boat ride, and potentially the options of venturing further afield to the Straits of Tiran or wrecks like the Dun Raven.

In July the water is warm by anyone’s standards, with temperatures around 28-29 degrees, and land temperatures are hot! Visibility on dives is amazing and there is a phenomenal amount of life to discover under water.

So if you fancy some sunmmer sun, join us, James and his team in Sharm!

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